
Enterprise Architecture

The Enterprise Architecture practice keeps an oversight over enterprise wide IT directions, IT portfolio’s and the technology directions. There are several Architectural disciplines which can be distinguished. At Lavante we cover Enterprise Architecture and Business Architecture. Helping you to find a prioritized balance in IT initiatives, based on your corporate strategy. 

Business Architecture

In our vision, within the Business Architecture, your corporate strategy represents critical input into the Architecture vision and defines the Architecture principles. How do you then derive the right IT goals and objectives. What should take priority? What is the current maturity of your business capability and what is your desired (or required) maturity for that capability. Which initiatives and projects do you need, to focus your efforts targeted at achieving your corporate goals.


Now that you have a view to your priorities and the Business Architecture has been  defined, what would be the optimal way of working? How can an Architecture team be organized? How does your Architecture discipline adapt to align with a domain driven approach? How agile is your Enterprise Architecture team. When do they engage with your Product owners and delivery teams? How do you best ensure the product organizations delivery in accordance with the Enterprise Architecture ” rules of engagement” ? At Lavante we can assist you to find your target operating model and define an Architectural runway

Digital Identity

It can be troublesome to find the appropriate wording, strike the right tone when defining your online corporate identity. What do you want to be associated with? How do you want your peers, your employees, your customers and partners to view you. What online identity, online presence through your website and social media presence is therefore required? At Lavante can assist with those critical questions.