In the Service Management we see a few trends which are worth mentioning. It makes sense to evaluate these trends and developments to see if they add value for your organization.
Let’s review them …
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Past till present
The traditional Service Management approach has always been one of pure re-active response.
When a technical issue occurs, the Incident Management process swings into action trying to address the issue and get the service to productive operation again. The more mature Service Management implementations would try to determine trends through the Problem Management process.
The future
Current Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies enable a very different approach. We can now train our own AI/ML models based on the Service Management and other data sources to learn from these data sets and predict issues to surface. Respond automatically through robotics and trigger preventative actions without human intervention
Increased Self Service
To achieve cost reduction whilst at the same time retain acceptable service levels, organizations rely more and more on the Self Service functions of their Service Management solutions. A well established Self Service facility internally helps to enhance internal stakeholder satisfaction as there is a good information flow on status. External stakeholders experience good Self Service facilities as being more in control. Self control increases by an engaging Self Service function. There are several tools and functions available to increase the Self Service footprint.
Furthermore, Self Service can help to further promote standardizing your services by using a well established Service Catalogue. The less your stakeholders find themselves using the “Other request…” option, the more satisfying the Self Service function can be. Furthermore, the use of Bot’s and Self Service integration / automation can help to speed request handling up by reducing human intervention.
Bots and automation
The use of a Chatbot integrated with your Self Service experience can be a real game changer in the “engagement” experience of the end users. Chatbot integrations furthermore help to speed up resolving tickets faster as they follow a known patters such as for instance password reset or software deployment.
There are multiple ways to use bot technologies. In some cases rule based bots can be of assistance whilst the latest AI based bot technologies provide a more flexible way to assist in a less business rule based predefined manner of guiding and resolving service requests.